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wFriday, May 10, 2002

what body part are you?!

posted by yeah...about that... at 12:28 PM

wMonday, May 06, 2002

today's rating: gotta be a 10....first day in a looooong time with no responsiblities....

no school, no job...nothing to worry about...i can do anything....and ya know what i'm doing? i'm sitting in my room watching movies. go figure....

i spent the entire weekend working....and i mean the ENTIRE weekend. now you may ask why i jumped at the chance to work friday 1130am-10pm, saturday 830am-1030pm, and sunday 830-540 so let me explain. i worked as a desk official for the 2002 women's water polo national collegiate club championship tournament. a chance to sit down all weekend being forced to watch athletic collegiate females in swimsuits for hours on end, not to mention get paid while doing it....you gonna blame me? oh man, and the University of Texas team....had the highest hotties per capita of any team...oh man....

yeah, so i spent my cinco de mayo sleeping....forever....when i got home sunday at 6, i was exhausted and went to sleep.....only to wake up this morning at 830....

ahhh....no school....no work....no responsibilities.... <-- i know i already said that, but it bears repeating

posted by yeah...about that... at 1:35 PM

wsleepless nights...
thoughts and musings and quandries that plague my mind....

wget in the now
name: Steve
what's my sign: Aquarius
school: Georgia Tech
AIM: cage fiend
today is February 22
the time is 4:52 AM
feeling The current mood of myself at www.imood.com
wearing: workout clothes
eating: nothing
drinking: water
today's plans: get through today, and the next, and the next...

wtell me whatcha think
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