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wSaturday, February 22, 2003

this monday life, it's been gettin me down
like everyday is the first day of the week
when everything goes wrong and nothing goes right
and the weekend is so far from sight

and i'm wishing for tuesdays
the days i was the happiest
when all that was bad turned good
all that was good was even better
and we were ok

some say wednesdays are the best
that it's all downhill from there
a couple days left to go
the weekend stood in view
but for me, my day was tuesday

fridays, now's there's a fun day
but it's that much closer to being monday
expectations rise for the weekend
so much time, so much to do
but i can't wait until it's tuesday

this monday life, i can't wait til it's over
i find myself looking forward to tuesdays
those better days when the bad turns good
and the good turns better
and we're ok

posted by yeah...about that... at 4:51 AM

wFriday, February 21, 2003

birthdays come and go
apparently so do friends
can't wait for may 3rd

posted by yeah...about that... at 12:35 PM

wMonday, February 17, 2003

Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me-ee!
Happy Birthday to me!

posted by yeah...about that... at 5:04 AM

wsleepless nights...
thoughts and musings and quandries that plague my mind....

wget in the now
name: Steve
what's my sign: Aquarius
school: Georgia Tech
AIM: cage fiend
today is February 22
the time is 4:52 AM
feeling The current mood of myself at www.imood.com
wearing: workout clothes
eating: nothing
drinking: water
today's plans: get through today, and the next, and the next...

wtell me whatcha think
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